Rainbow Air Purifier Rainbow Air purifier HDL-616 Features: 1) Natural air purifying by water-bath (siphon force plus centrifugal force to clean air), scent diffusing, d
Water Air Purifier usb air purifier feature: Use water to purify the harmful substance in the air Swift to eliminate smoke. No need to worry about the harmful smog espe
Water Air Purifier and Revitaliser Water Air Revitaliser specification: Hospital uses the spray of liquid medicine to sterilize and disinfect sickroom. Water Spirit sterilizes and disi
star air purifier with negative ion Air Purifier(water air revitaliser,star of resurrection,negative ion) Features: 1) Natural air purifies the dust and bacteria through the water layer
Water Air Purifer Water Air Purifier and Revitalise specification: The range of these products are with LED lights. The soft light brings us romantic and comfortable f
UFO Air Purifier UFO air purifier Attractive UFO design with high-profile metal cover; natural air purifying the dust and bacteria through the water layer (siphon for
Water Air Purifier Water Air Purifier Feature: 1)Exquisite design withbeautiful appearance 2)Working bysihpon force and centrifugual force to form water layer.Water la
air revitaliser air purifier Features: 1) Exquisite design 2) Natural air purifying the dust/bacteria through water layer (siphon force plus centrifugal force to cle
Sailboat Humidifier sailboat humidifier specification: With the development of living standard of the people and the widely use of air conditioner, some air conditioner
Water Air Purifier and Humifier with fog and fragr Water Air Purifier and Humifier with fog and fragrance specification: This product is the perfect combination of water air revitaliser and humidifier
water air purifier and humifier 2in 1 water air purifier and humifier This product is the perfect combination of water air revitaliser and humidifier.The water air revitaliser part